Two Cats First Blog
Hi, Welcome To Two Cats First Ever Blog Post.
Things are not easy for many of us right now. Two cats Pet Care was just about 5 months old when the lockdown hit. Things businesswise had been slowly developing and income was slowly increasing. When lockdown hit it would have been so easy to throw in the towel and give up. But I couldn't and wouldn't do that. For one reason, I'm too stubborn to do that, and for a second I know my clients will do their very best to stick with me when things return to whatever normal is at the end of this.
It's so easy to feel negative, and believe me there are many times when I feel negative about the situation. But that negativity achieves nothing. So, I try as much as possible to stay positive and look at the glass as being neither half empty or half full but tell myself I'm lucky to have a glass in the first place.
Things will get better, we just need to hang in there for now and keep doing things to not only keep our brains from seizing up but also do things to help us when the lockdown is over. I've done a CPD (that's a certificate of professional development) in Canine behaviour, and I'm doing a course in animal welfare and digital marketing.
congratulations on your blog and look forward to reading about your four legged family and friends.
ReplyDeleteAww, bless you. Many thanks for reading.